The script offers not just the words from scripture but helps us to consider all that was happening in and around the biblical story of Holy Week. Lenten Conversations on The Passion Play… Following worship each week of Lent, all are invited to join Pastor Diane in reading through the script of The Passion Play.
LENTEN CONVERSATIONS, LENT MADNESS, and One Great Hour of Sharing In addition to special services on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Palm Sunday, there are a few more ways to join in the journey. MAUNDY THURSDAY Worship at 5 PM, April 6, 202 3 PALM SUNDAY Worship at 10:10 AM, April 2, 2023 Sunday Worship at 10:10 AMĪSH WEDNESDAY Worship including imposition of Ashes at 5 PM, Feb 22, 2023 By midcoastpresbyterianchurch on FebruThe 40 Days of Lent at MCPC – a time of preparationĪll are invited to worship and study with MCPC this Lent.